The installation of Oz Rumble Strips involves the milling or profiling of shallow grooves into pavement surface.
These strips are accurately cut at a controlled width, depth, and spacing to provide a consistent treatment. The alignment of the rumble strip line is accurately specified to ensure a consistent carriageway width.
The installation process is mobile, and comprises the Rumbler machine in convoy with associated traffic control vehicles and debris recovery plant. The Rumbler 6200HD plant is towed behind a specially adapted medium rigid truck, and operates at 2 – 4km per hr.
It is not over-width and has the flexibility to be positioned at any point over the cut alignment, i.e. can operate from the shoulder or the lane.
The Oz Rumble cut is adjustable for width, depth and spacing, but as with existing audio tactile systems, a clearly defined and uniform specification is recommended (see Technical Data).
Loose aggregate debris can be blown onto the unsealed shoulder, in the case of rural road treatments. In built up areas, kerbed roads and major freeways, debris can be swept and vacuum recovered for use as recyclable fill.